
本網站或移動應用程序(“網站”)由 The Powder Shampoo 運營。本隱私政策(“政策”)適用於您在本網站上提供的信息。

The Powder Shampoo 旨在使我們收集的有關您的數據、數據的使用方式以及與誰共享數據透明化。







保護我們的客戶和網站訪問者的隱私和安全對於 The Powder Shampoo 至關重要。我們欣賞並理解隱私對您的重要性。如果您對我們如何保護您的隱私有任何疑問,請通過 wecare@thepowdershampoo.com 與我們聯繫

本隱私政策,包括我們的 Cookie 政策,適用於您對我們服務的使用,並符合歐盟通用數據保護條例 (GDPR) 和新加坡相關數據保護法的要求。本隱私政策受新加坡法律管轄,並應根據新加坡法律進行解釋,不影響任何法律衝突原則。訪問本網站並提供所需信息,即表示您服從新加坡法院的專屬管轄權。

對於我們的所有服務,負責保護您隱私的公司是 The Powder Shampoo。

粉末洗髮水尊重兒童的隱私。 The Powder Shampoo 絕不會故意要求或使用未成年人的個人信息。如果我們發現我們收集了未滿 18 歲的網站用戶的個人數據,我們將從我們的文件中刪除該未成年人的個人數據。通過訪問和使用本網站,您已聲明並保證您已年滿 18 歲。如果您未滿 18 歲,請不要向我們提交任何個人信息,並依靠父母或監護人的幫助。



1.1 您的姓名和聯繫方式。交付您的購買並向您發送服務消息(沒有它,我們將無法與您履行合同)。這些詳細信息對於欺詐預防和檢測也很重要,可以向您展示我們最新產品和交易的廣告,並了解您喜歡什麼。在您允許的情況下,我們可能會使用這些詳細信息向您發送有關我們新產品和服務的信息。

1.2 您的出生日期信息。檢測並防止針對您或 The Powder Shampoo 的欺詐行為。

1.3 您的性別信息。更有效地將您引導至您想要的產品。

1.4 您的付款信息。接受付款並退款(沒有它,我們將無法履行與您的合同)。我們還將這些詳細信息用於欺詐預防和檢測。

1.5 您與我們的聯繫歷史。提供客戶服務和支持(沒有它,我們將無法履行與您的合同)。這些詳細信息還用於培訓我們的員工,以便我們為您提供盡可能最好的客戶服務。

1.6 購買歷史記錄和保存的項目。分析和預測您的興趣,以定制您的在線體驗,包括向您展示您感興趣的事物、提供客戶服務和支持以及處理退貨(沒有它,我們將無法執行我們的服務)。這些詳細信息還有助於我們了解您和其他客戶的喜好。

1.7 有關您的手機或筆記本電腦的信息,以及您如何使用我們的網站。改進我們的網站並為您設置默認選項(例如貨幣)。這使我們能夠為您提供最佳的購物體驗。這些詳細信息還使我們能夠保護我們的網站並檢測和防止針對您或 The Powder Shampoo 的欺詐

1.8 來自您鏈接到我們的社交媒體帳戶的信息。讓您無需創建特定帳戶即可輕鬆登錄我們的網站。這些詳細信息也讓我們能夠提供產品推薦。

1.9 您對調查、競賽和促銷活動的回應。幫助我們開展調查、競賽或促銷活動,以幫助我們更好地了解您的興趣。

1.10 其他。我們的服務是動態的,我們可能會引入可能需要收集新信息的新功能。如果我們收集了截然不同的個人數據或對我們使用您的數據的方式發生了重大變化,我們會通知您並可能會修改本隱私政策。


我們還會對個人信息進行匿名化和匯總(以免識別您的身份),並將其用於測試我們的 IT 系統、研究、數據分析、改進我們的網站和應用程序以及開發新產品和服務等目的。我們也可能與第三方共享此信息。


2.1 我們不會將您的任何個人數據出售給任何第三方。

2.2 但是,作為向您提供服務的關鍵部分,我們會與以下幾類公司共享您的數據:

  • 參與向您運送商品的公司,例如支付服務提供商、倉庫、訂單包裝商和送貨公司
  • 幫助我們開展業務的專業服務提供商,例如營銷機構、廣告合作夥伴和網站託管商
  • 執法和防欺詐機構或法律要求的任何機構
  • 您認可的公司,例如社交媒體網站(如果您選擇將您的帳戶與我們關聯)

2.3 我們可能會向第三方提供有關我們客戶的匯總但匿名的信息和分析(無法識別您的身份)。

2.4 如果粉末洗髮水或其資產被出售、收購或與第三方合併,導致您的個人數據被轉移到該第三方,您的個人數據將始終繼續受到符合 GDPR 和新加坡任何相關數據保護法律要求的隱私政策。

2.5 安全

2.5.1 我們實施了旨在保護您的個人信息的安全保障措施,例如 HTTPS。但是,我們無法保證您發送給我們的任何信息的安全性。無法保證不會因違反我們的任何物理、技術或管理保護措施而訪問、披露、更改或破壞數據。

2.5.2 您有責任對您的用戶 ID 和登錄密碼保密。


3.1 如果您授予我們許可,我們將通過電子郵件和/或短信向您發送營銷信息,讓您了解我們的最新動態並幫助您查看和查找我們的產品。

3.2 如何阻止來自 The Powder Shampoo 的營銷信息



  • 通過您的帳戶設置
  • 點擊任何電子郵件中的“取消訂閱”鏈接
  • 發送電子郵件至 wecare@thepowdershampoocom

3.3 一旦您這樣做,我們將確保您不會收到進一步的營銷信息。請注意,更新我們的所有系統可能需要幾天時間,因此在我們處理您的請求期間,您可能仍會收到我們的信息。

3.4 請注意,停止營銷信息不會停止服務通信(例如:訂單更新)。


4.1 我們通過在線廣告向您介紹我們的最新動態並幫助您查看和找到我們的產品。

4.2 我們旨在通過使用各種數字營銷網絡和廣告交易平台向您展示與您相關的 The Powder Shampoo 橫幅和廣告。我們使用一系列廣告技術,例如像素、cookie 和廣告標籤服務。<​​/p>

4.3 根據您使用網站的方式(例如,您的搜索歷史、您在網站上閱讀的內容),我們將定制您感興趣的橫幅和廣告。


5.1 我們通過與我們的數據處理者和相關公司簽訂數據保護協議來保護您的個人數據。這些數據保護協議符合 GDPR 和新加坡的相關數據保護法律。


6.1 我們會在您擁有帳戶的期間內保留您的信息,或者在為您提供服務所必需的期間內保留您的信息,只要是提供與支持相關的報告和趨勢分析所必需的期間。

6.2 如果為滿足法律或監管要求、解決爭議、防止欺詐和濫用或執行我們的條款和條件而有合理必要或需要,我們也可能會根據需要保留您的一些信息,即使在您關閉了您的帳戶或不再需要為您提供服務。


  • 了解您的個人信息如何被使用的權利
  • 訪問我們持有的關於您的個人信息的權利
  • 要求更正我們持有的關於您的不准確個人信息的權利
  • 在某些情況下要求刪除您的數據,或停止處理或收集數據的權利
  • 有權隨時停止直接營銷信息並撤回對其他基於同意的處理的同意
  • 要求我們將您的數據元素傳輸或移植給您或其他服務提供商的權利
  • 向您的數據保護監管機構投訴的權利 - 在新加坡,個人數據保護委員會

如果您想行使自己的權利、投訴或只是有疑問,請通過 online@fusionc.com 與我們聯繫。


8.1 我們可能會不時修訂本隱私政策,以反映我們處理您數據的方式。

8。2 如果我們做出重大更改,我們將在 The Powder Shampoo 網站或其他 The Powder Shampoo 服務上或通過電子郵件等其他聯繫方式明確說明,以便您能夠在繼續使用之前查看更改我們的網站 如果您反對任何更改,您可以關閉您的帳戶。

8.3 您承認在我們發布或發送有關我們對本隱私政策的更改的通知後繼續使用我們的服務意味著您個人數據的收集、使用和共享受更新後的隱私政策的約束。


9.1 我們使用 cookie 和類似技術(例如像素、cookie、廣告標籤)在不同設備上識別您。您可以通過瀏覽器設置和其他工具控制 cookie。


10.1 如果本隱私政策的英文版本與其任何翻譯版本之間存在任何不一致之處,應以英文版本為準。


11.1 如果您:

  • 對此通知有任何問題或反饋
  • 希望我們停止使用您的信息
  • 想要行使上述任何權利,或提出投訴

11.2 請隨時通過 wecare@thepowdershampoo.com 與我們聯繫,我們將很樂意回答您的任何問題

Based on 722 reviews
Scalp condtion: Sensitive scalp , Dry scalp
Hair type: Dry , Frizzy , Thinning
Experience: The Powder Shampoo and/or Body Foam Wash lathers easily & cleanses well, The essential oil aromatherapy during my shower was a delightful experience., My scalp feels light & my hair is voluminous & bouncy, My scalp is less irritated & itchy, My scalp feels fresh & less oily, My hair feels smooth & hydrated, My hair loss has reduced. I have less hair fall.
Night shift nurse with hair challenges

Night shift nurse here with challenges as my hair has aged and dried out from scrub cap use these last few years. Hair was always frizzy and dry, and with grays coming in stringy. And the shedding was unreal. So I tried this powder shampoo for a few reasons. Eco warrior ditching plastic and other good reviews. After a month I’ve seen soft manageable hair with less shedding. Will be purchasing again.

Thank you so much for sharing your story! As a night shift nurse, you’ve got so much on your plate. Your commitment to eco-friendly choices is inspiring and it’s amazing to hear how this powder shampoo has made such a difference for you.

Powder Discovery Set (6 x 20g / 0.7oz)
DAISY FUNG (Paranaque City, PH)
Scalp condtion: Occasional Dandruff
Hair type: Dry
Skin type: Dry
Experience: The Powder Shampoo and/or Body Foam Wash lathers easily & cleanses well, The essential oil aromatherapy during my shower was a delightful experience., My scalp feels fresh & less oily
A rare find.

The best shampoo and body wash I ever used. Light weight which is easy for carrying around. Smells great . Environmental friendly. Cleans well. A bit expensive but worth buying. They even plant a tree for you for every buy.

Thank you for your glowing review! It’s amazing to hear that this is the best shampoo and body wash you’ve ever used! We’re so glad you appreciate the tree-planting initiative

Scalp condtion: Normal scalp
Hair type: Fine , Thinning , Straight
Experience: The Powder Shampoo and/or Body Foam Wash lathers easily & cleanses well, My scalp feels light & my hair is voluminous & bouncy
Amazing Product! Loving It!

I’ve been using this product for a couple weeks, and I can totally see the difference in my hair! It was recommended to me that I store the bottle in a dry place, so I just take it in and out of the shower with me. The small bottle size is so handy for me!

This product is a win-win-win!! It’s working WONDERS for my hair, it’s kind to animals, and kind to the planet! The small 0.70 ounce mini refillable bottle is good for 20 washes! And refills of this product are available! If you are thinking of trying this product, I would recommend you go for it! I’m not regretting my purchase AT ALL! I plan to continue using this product for the long term. Love!

It's truly a win-win-win! Not only does it work wonders for your hair, but it’s also Leaping Bunny certified, completely cruelty-free, and kind to the planet. The mini 0.70-ounce refillable bottle lasting for 20 washes, along with the availability of refills, makes it super convenient too.

Scalp condtion: Sensitive scalp , Oily scalp , Occasional Dandruff
Hair type: Fine , Thinning , Limp
Experience: My scalp feels light & my hair is voluminous & bouncy, My scalp feels fresh & less oily
Very promising

I have thin hair and gets flat by the afternoon when I use my regular shampoo. So far, when using TPS, hair has more volume and less oil.

Scalp condtion: Normal scalp
Hair type: Fine , Dry , Limp , Straight , Thinning
Experience: The Powder Shampoo and/or Body Foam Wash lathers easily & cleanses well, My scalp feels light & my hair is voluminous & bouncy
New User, Instantly Loving It!

The Powder Shampoo Invigorating Powder Shampoo for Thinning & Ageing Hair

Just WOW! I’ve only been using this product for about a week, and I can totally see the difference in my hair! It was recommended to me that I store the bottle in a dry place, so I just take it in and out of the shower with me. The small bottle size is so handy for me!

This product is a win-win-win!! It’s working wonders for my hair, the brand states it is cruelty-free & vegan, and it’s kind to the planet! The small 0.70 ounce mini refillable bottle is good for 20 washes! And refills of this product are available! If you are thinking of trying this product, I would recommend you go for it! I’m not regretting my purchase AT ALL! I plan to continue using this product for the long term. Love!

Thank you for such a glowing review! It’s amazing to hear how much of a difference you’ve noticed in just a week—what a fantastic start! Your tips about storing the bottle in a dry place and appreciating the handy small size are super helpful. It really sounds like this product is ticking all the right boxes for you: effective, cruelty-free, vegan, eco-friendly, and refillable.

Scalp condtion: Sensitive scalp , Dry scalp , Occasional Dandruff
Hair type: Dry , Frizzy , Wavy
Experience: The Powder Shampoo and/or Body Foam Wash lathers easily & cleanses well, My scalp feels light & my hair is voluminous & bouncy, My scalp is less irritated & itchy, My scalp feels fresh & less oily, My hair feels smooth & hydrated, I have less dandruff flakes , My hair loss has reduced. I have less hair fall.
Honest review

After a month of using the shampoo results were really good; less hair fall, my hair is more livelier, and dandruff free. I think this shampoo suits my hair better compared to other shampoo, co’z for me shampoos are like clothes, you need to look that suits you better so you won’t get dismay with the results.

Amazing how this powder body wash can change my mood instantly after showering, I like the fact that this is an all natural ingredients, plastic free packaging and refillable. The product name speaks for itself, it really relaxes me before bedtime.

It’s wonderful to hear how this powder body wash can instantly uplift your mood and help you relax before bedtime. A product that not only cleanses but also soothes and calms is truly a gem! 😊

Leaves my hair feeling so hydrated and smooth.

Easy to use & smells incredible

My skin feels moisturised and its not drying.


It's the best, it's perfect for travelling and on the go.

Great for travelling.

It's super convenient to throw in my gym bag.

This powder-to foam formula has definitely suit my needs. With these two companions, I am set an amazing day and a goodnight’s sleep.

Powder Discovery Set (6 x 20g / 0.7oz)
Kathy Tang (Wan Chai, HK)
Scalp condtion: Oily scalp
Hair type: Straight
Skin type: Oily
Experience: My scalp feels fresh & less oily

very easy to use, very nice, feels fresh & less oily

Thank you for your positive review 😊 We feel encouraged to continue healing earth with every shower.


Very easy to use, very nice, feels fresh & less oily

Thank you for your positive review 😊 We feel encouraged to continue healing earth with every shower.

I have very thick, curly, long and dry hair, so try not to change my hair routine too often as finding something that works isnt always easy. The Powder Shampoo, this is the closest Ive come to considering that the water-free alternatives may actually be worth the swap. Its incredibly easy to use, lathered up just like my standard shampoo (so long as you mix it with lots of water) and left my hair feeling clean without drying it out in any way.

Thank you for sharing your experience! We totally understand how tricky it can be to find the right product for thick, curly, and dry hair, so it’s amazing to hear that our water-free shampoo is making you consider the switch! ✨

This is the best shampoo for Oily Scalps I�ve ever used.

After learning in most shampoos, I went searching for clean & vegan alternative. And The Powder Shampoo is the perfect product that solves my problem.

I used to have bad problems with dandruff, until I found The Powder Shampoo.

Shampoo powder is a thing! It totally exists. I had ZERO expectations, but I loved it! My first thought was if you go camping this is what you need! The aluminum bottle and waterless formula is super lightweight.

This powder-to foam formula has definitely suit my needs. With these two companions, I am set an amazing day and a goodnights sleep.

My go to choice for sensitive scalp as it is gentle and all natural.

Sustainable Shower Routine Bundle (3 x 100g / 3.5oz)
Effective and helps preserve our planet

The bottle is very pretty and doesn't let moisture in. I recommend this product because it is effective and helps preserve our planet!